What to Pack For Your Move To Japan (Plus Size Edition)
Plus size and preparing to move to Japan? Here are some essentials you'll want to bring with you from home (or buy once you land)
Plus Size Girls Bars in Japan
What you need to know about plus size Girls Bars in Japan
Using Dating Apps in Japan
Whether you're just visiting, or in Japan long-term, dating apps are an appealing option for meeting locals and possibly finding a long term
Japan's Fat Tax: Is It Illegal to Be Fat in Japan?
Through sensationalized English headlines, and poor translations the internet has been perpetuating rumors about what Japan's "Fat Tax" is
Teach English in Japan: Plus Size Teachers
Can you teach English in Japan if you’re plus size? If you meet the hiring criteria, yes you can!
Dealing with Body-Shaming in Japan
Although it's not as common to approach a stranger to make a negative comment about their body directly, having people openly make comments
How To Care For Your Clothes in Japan
Don't let your wardrobe get ruined by Kabi, the notorious mold caused by humidity and moisture in Japanese apartments.
Is Japan Plus Size Friendly?
One of the worries people have when they're planning a move to Japan is how well they're going to fit in with the locals.